Shameless coke plug


I’m writing this as I drink some coke because I was thirsty and I needed to finish my 3 posts for the week. For some reason coke always taste really good cold. I don’t get how people can like Pepsi over coke , there’s just way less flavor, but I guess everything is a matter of opinion.

Shades of Black and White

When you put on sunglasses, the world is a completely different color. Things that were bright become dull and things that were dull become even duller. I guess everything gets more chill and that’s always a good thing. Sunglasses help you drive safer on the road when the sun is bright and they make you look 10x cooler and mysterious and stuff so put them on you know.


Not actually black and white


So I took this photo when I was super bored in physics class and it turned out better than I expected. I have no idea why the lighting got all messed up but it made for a pretty good photo IMO. I didn’t add any filters or anything at all to the photo but it still practically looks as if it’s black and white so it fits my blog thematically.

Late to School..again!


The best thing about coming to school late is the traffic. Damn its like everyone else also decides to come to school late. Don’t you guys hate it when you wake up late so you know your going to get to school late then when your on the road there’s hella traffic so you get even later? Today’s gonna be great..