

This is one of the greatest movies of all time and it was made in 1942 around the time color movies were invented. It is critically acclaimed and was praised for its directing and use of black and white over color. The filtering in black and white added to the dark and gritty atmosphere of the movie immersing many in its tragic tale.

How to take better black and white photos or 1


To take a really good black and white photo there are a lot of things you must do ranging from editing to photo techniques but the most important thing you need to do to make your photos stand out is to try and look for a pattern that allows your photo to be unique. In the example case of this photo the wooden boards stand out in contrast against the sky and the ocean.

Panda sleeping

Aww, look at that adorable panda, I wonder if the tree is hard to sleep on, what if it falls off, oh well. Panda’s are super cute and friendly and I actually met one at a zoo before and got to pet it and stuff and it was surprisingly soft too. Pandas are a symbol for many things such as panda express and they represent luck, joy, and happiness in Chinese culture.