An example of racism in our country today

For those of you that say racism no longer exists in our country, it may not be blatant but it is quite obvious that racism is still here in our country. People are inherently racist and we can’t do much about that, however there are things we can do to raise awareness of what is going on within our country.

Racial Injustice and the Prison System

Did you know that in their lifetime, 1 in 3 Black men will go to prison. Today, over 40 % of the prison population is of African American descent, however only 20% of the United States population is African American. This points to a huge flaw in our criminal justice system where there is inherent bias in regards to who gets sent to prison and why they are sent their in the first place. This racism can be seen as a form of social control that is used to keep african americans down so they don’t succeed in the future.

What do I write about? Micky Mouse?

I’m running out of ideas on what I can write about in regards to black and white as a theme so I might recycle some topics. I dont know when we have to stop but I guess I can keep making blog posts just because, I could just write about black and white objects now but I dont understand the point really. Nothing I write is really connected to anything and it honestly doesnt make sense, this blog writing just feels like a chore and a hassle. So anyways here is a picture of Mickey mouse made by Walt Disney and who originated as a lead character from a black and white cartoon back in the old days.

Color Theory#2 Color as Pigments

The answers:
1. Black is a color because it is something you can make using pigments/paint.


Here’s a way to show how black is made: Combine all three primary colors (red yellow and blue) using a liquid paint or you even food coloring. You won’t get a jet black, but the point will be clear. The history of black pigments includes charcoal, iron metals, and other chemicals as the source of black paints.

White cannot be a pigment because it is not a color you can make naturally by mixing the 3 primary colors. Now both theories prove each other wrong so which one do you guys think is right?


Color Theory#1 Colors as Light

1. Black is the absence of light so it cannot be a color

When there is no light, everything is black. Test this out by going into a photographic dark room. There are no photons of light. In other words, there are no photons of colors.

2. White is the blending of all colors and is a color.

Light appears colorless or white. Sunlight is white light that is composed of all the colors of the spectrum.  A rainbow is proof. You can’t see the colors of sunlight except when atmospheric conditions bend the light rays and create a rainbow.

In this theory, black cannot be defined as a color however white is a color because it is the combination of all colors.



Are Black and White Colors?

The answer to the question  “Are black and white colors?”   is an interesting question on the topic of color. Ask a scientist and you’ll get a reply based on physics: “Black is not a color, white is a color.” Ask an artist or a child with crayons and you’ll get  “Black is a color, white is not a color.” The reason for this is because there are two color theories. Color can be described as either a light which makes black not a color or it could be described as a pigment which makes white not a color. I’ll be covering this topic in my blog posts later today.


Most American newspapers were fully black and white until the early 1980s. Notable black and white newspapers like The New York Times and The Washington Post remained black and white until the 1990s. Even today, there is restricted coloring allowed on newspapers due to how many resources are necessary to mass produce newspapers. A pro of black and white color is that it is noticably cheaper then printing newspapers in color due to less color needed in order to make papers ranging in a lower cost.

Black and White TV Sets

Television programming used to be transmitted in black and white, this means that TV sets could also only support colors ranging on the black and white scale. This doesn’t mean movies weren’t popular back in the old days, It just meant color didn’t exist on television. A lot of animated shorts were created in black and white and so were a lot of movies.

Why are soccer balls black and white?

The game of soccer has a very long history. It used to be played in the old days with inflated pig bladders. It wasn’t until around the 20th century that the soccer balls began to look the way they look now. The soccer ball got its black and white markings for the 1970 world cup in Mexico. The ball was called the Telstar and it was black and white so it would be more distinguishable to people on television. This version of the soccer ball became popular and the version we all know and love today.